[Sao Tome City] Monte Cafe

Monte Cafe is number 2 below. Starting from here, you can go on a trek to learn about the coffee industry on Sao Tome Island.

Coffee is made using the following process. We mapped the process and the location where it takes place.

[Mon]..Monte Café, [Bem]..Bemposta, [Nov]..Novo Destino

[Nov] 01 – Planting
[Nov] 02 – Harvesting the Cherries
[Bem] 03 – Processing the Cherries
[Bem] 04 – Drying the Beans
[Bem] 05 – Milling the Beans
[Bem] 06 – Exporting the Beans
[Mon] 07 – Tasting the Coffee
[Mon] 08 – Roasting the Coffee
[Mon] 09 – Grinding Coffee
[Mon] 10 – Brewing Coffee

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Monte Cafe

Bus departure point and city entrance. There are museums and shops related to coffee.

This is the entrance to the museum, 3 EUR per person.

A bell in the village. Apparently, they give the signal to start farming at 5:30AM and 6:00AM.

The entrance of restaurant and shop.

We have a system in place to allow Drying the Beans so that the process does not stop even during the rainy season.

manual packaging.


Novo Destino

Coffee farmers of all sizes gather here. A small farmhouse is close to the center of the village.

coffee flowers are so small

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